Hunter/Gatherer includes use of replicas of artifacts such as a Hopi Rabbit stick and a spear as we go on a pretend hunt/gather in the forest that emphasizes what was done before, during & after the hunt/gather.
His Crazy Horse: What is the meaning behind the name? How & what is a warrior taught as a young child? Play an Indigenous game to experience what a warrior is taught. What is the thinking behind the actions of a warrior, both ancient & modern? On the canyon trail we will utilize a replica of an artifact, a Hopi Rabbit Stick for hunting, to role play thinking like a warrior while aiming at a wooden rabbit target.
Wickiup Shelter building is a great family program where you learn the history of this shelter type, gather what you need from the land to build a Wickiup!
Ancient Food Prep: utilize replicas and actual stone food prep items. Discover what types of things food was served in. Then off we go for a hike (1 mile round trip) to Turtle Head Rock to view an ancient kitchen carved in stone. We will climb atop a rock outcropping. The view of the canyon below from atop the boulders is the most amazing ‘kitchen’ view ever!